The High Bridge Gift Box
The High Bridge on Highway 550 spans the Animas River and denotes the standard take-out for daily rafting trips on the lower Animas. We think this gift box is the perfect end to your day! Some great Smelter Hot Chocolate mix, for when you need a little warm up after getting soaked in Smelter Rapid, a nice mix of bars and a little selection of infused chocolate that pairs great with your after-session beer or glass of wine. Just big enough to share with the group, or go ahead and sneak off with it by yourself, we don’t judge.
1 – Daily Bar; 71 % Dark Chocolate & Almonds
1 – Daily Bar; Milk Chocolate
1 -River Bottom Dark Chocolate Toffee
1 -River Bottom Milk Chocolate Toffee
1- Smelter Mix
1- ACC Postcard