ACC Stock Item Bulk Orders
In everything we do, Animas Chocolate & Coffee Company aims to create a one-of-a-kind experience for our guests, neighbors, visitors, clients, and friends. If you are holding and event, have a large customer base or just want to spread some chocolate love, we would like to assist you.
We generally have our stock items available in volumes to meet large demands and we are able to expedite large orders of stock items with a short turn-around time to make your last minute event. That means you can select just about any of our products and we can expedite your order quickly and with as little stress to you as possible.
We are happy to provide you with a discount of 5% off any order of $500 or more and 10% for orders over $1000.
This discount does not apply to any custom printing or packaging costs, shipping charges or out-of-pocket expenses incurred by ACC.
You can place your order online HERE, or of course you are welcome to contact us by phone at 970.317.5761 or submit the form below.
We sincerely look forward to helping you create a quick, memorable and extraordinary gift for your clients, friends or family.